I’ve always strived to live a healthy life based on holistic healthcare practices. Even in my career as a professional equine bodyworker, I always knew the benefits of preventative care and natural practices. It wasn’t until being diagnosed with Lyme disease two years ago that I had to stop and reassess what was occurring in my life to allow for the onset of a disease to take over my body. Luckily, I was directed by a good friend to Dr Jack Kruse and the quantum health information which resonated strongly with me; and ultimately helped heal my body. I continue to get stronger and healthier while, and by, implementing quantum practices in my life. By changing my light life, I’ve felt better than I ever have and have also noticed a stronger connection with my consciousness and faith; which has led me to want to share the incredible information of how light shapes everything in our life. I recently got certified as a Quantum Health coach by the Quantum Biology Collective program and am holding in person Light Shapes Life seminars in my local area, as well as hosting webinars online in hopes of reaching as many people as possible to share this information with. Additionally, I have started to dive into quantum science to engage and pioneer the same amazing light therapy information to the veterinary industry.

I’d love to teach you about the importance of light.


  • “I started changing my light life after I witnessed Jackie heal herself from Lyme disease. As one of her therapists who saw her on a regular basis I was able to get hands on proof of her transformation. Simply by watching the sunrise, sunset, and scheduling 20-30 minutes of mid day sun on my skin I have noticed a significant improvement in my quality of sleep. I now naturally wake up with the sun and have more energy to start my day. I also naturally get tired after the sun goes down, I used to suffer with bouts of insomnia. I feel the natural balance of my circadian rhythm by introducing these simple light rituals into my every day life has been an overall benefit to my health.”

    — Amanda

  • "The information that Jackie shared in her “Life Shapes Light” seminar deeply impacted me. It was jaw dropping to hear the information and facts of what light can do to affect our health and ways we can heal it. . .for free! The most important piece of information that anyone can do is see the sunrise every day to help reset our circadian rhythm and help with our bodies natural ability to heal itself. After her seminar, my husband and I started putting our cell phone on airplane mode at night, using blue blocking glasses, and changed the bulbs in our house to red bulbs. . .with doing those changes, we have slept better and noticed enormous changes in our health and sleep. It was almost immediate! Grateful for this seminar and how it has helped to improve my health and life."

    - Jo

  • " I cannot say enough wonderful things about Jackie. She’s taught me so much about my light life and how to naturally heal my body. I woke up for the first time in 40 years to watch the sun rise every single day during one of her 40 day challenges. To say it changed my life is an understatement. I never knew the importance of greeting the day until I did it and saw significant improvements in my mood and in my health. Jackie knows the science, but she presents it in a way that makes me—who barely passed high school biology— comprehend what she’s explaining. I am so grateful for her passion and willingness to share this much-needed information with the world!"

    - Christina

  • "For me the biggest thing I noticed is my change in vision. On the days I'm able to sit out for morning sun I can see without readers. Overall my sleep and mood has improved."

    - Lisa

  • "Since starting my days with sunlight as my first light, I have built up my solar callus and have stopped wearing sunglasses!! This is an amazing feat for my light green eyes! I turn down the lights in my house at night and feel like I get a more restful sleep. My circadian rhythm is pretty predictable now and I believe it is all due to the way I begin my days!"

    — Teresa